FG42 is built on top of an abstraction unit called Cube that logically groups a set of feature related to a functionality in a single callable and function like entity. For more info on cubes check out their documentation. Here is a list of available cubes:
- Alert cube
- All the icons cube
- cubes/fg42/bookmark-cube.org
- Buffer navigation cube
- Company cube
- Cursor cube
- Diff Highlight Cube
- Dracula theme
- Editor cube
- cubes/fg42/elisp-cube.org
- Exec path cube
- Flycheck cube
- Folding cube
- Font Cube
- Git Cube
- Golang cube
- cubes/fg42/java-cube.org
- Current line highlight cube
- Imenu cube
- cubes/fg42/java-cube.org
- LSP cube
- Mini modeline
- Org-mode
- Org Qurey Language
- Org Sidebar
- Org Super Agenda
- Pinentry cube
- cubes/fg42/projectile-cube.org
- Python lang server via pyls
- Python cube
- Python lang server via pyls
- Python lang server via pyright
- cubes/fg42/rcirc-cube.org
- cubes/fg42/region-expansion.org
- Selectrum cube
- Status bar cube
- cubes/fg42/terraform-cube.org
- cubes/fg42/vterm-cube.org
- Window navigation cube
- Window manager cube
- Yaml Support
- cubes/fg42/yasnippet-cube.org